54 research outputs found

    Bounds on generalized Frobenius numbers

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    Let N≥2N \geq 2 and let 1<a1<...<aN1 < a_1 < ... < a_N be relatively prime integers. The Frobenius number of this NN-tuple is defined to be the largest positive integer that has no representation as ∑i=1Naixi\sum_{i=1}^N a_i x_i where x1,...,xNx_1,...,x_N are non-negative integers. More generally, the ss-Frobenius number is defined to be the largest positive integer that has precisely ss distinct representations like this. We use techniques from the Geometry of Numbers to give upper and lower bounds on the ss-Frobenius number for any nonnegative integer ss.Comment: We include an appendix with an erratum and addendum to the published version of this paper: two inaccuracies in the statement of Theorem 2.2 are corrected and additional bounds on s-Frobenius numbers are derive

    Energy minimization, periodic sets and spherical designs

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    We study energy minimization for pair potentials among periodic sets in Euclidean spaces. We derive some sufficient conditions under which a point lattice locally minimizes the energy associated to a large class of potential functions. This allows in particular to prove a local version of Cohn and Kumar's conjecture that A2\mathsf{A}_2, D4\mathsf{D}_4, E8\mathsf{E}_8 and the Leech lattice are globally universally optimal, regarding energy minimization, and among periodic sets of fixed point density.Comment: 16 pages; incorporated referee comment

    On Lattice-Free Orbit Polytopes

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    Given a permutation group acting on coordinates of Rn\mathbb{R}^n, we consider lattice-free polytopes that are the convex hull of an orbit of one integral vector. The vertices of such polytopes are called \emph{core points} and they play a key role in a recent approach to exploit symmetry in integer convex optimization problems. Here, naturally the question arises, for which groups the number of core points is finite up to translations by vectors fixed by the group. In this paper we consider transitive permutation groups and prove this type of finiteness for the 22-homogeneous ones. We provide tools for practical computations of core points and obtain a complete list of representatives for all 22-homogeneous groups up to degree twelve. For transitive groups that are not 22-homogeneous we conjecture that there exist infinitely many core points up to translations by the all-ones-vector. We prove our conjecture for two large classes of groups: For imprimitive groups and groups that have an irrational invariant subspace.Comment: 27 pages, 2 figures; with minor adaptions according to referee comments; to appear in Discrete and Computational Geometr

    Local Energy Optimality of Periodic Sets

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    We study the local optimality of periodic point sets in Rn\mathbb{R}^n for energy minimization in the Gaussian core model, that is, for radial pair potential functions fc(r)=e−crf_c(r)=e^{-c r} with c>0c>0. By considering suitable parameter spaces for mm-periodic sets, we can locally rigorously analyze the energy of point sets, within the family of periodic sets having the same point density. We derive a characterization of periodic point sets being fcf_c-critical for all cc in terms of weighted spherical 22-designs contained in the set. Especially for 22-periodic sets like the family Dn+\mathsf{D}^+_n we obtain expressions for the hessian of the energy function, allowing to certify fcf_c-optimality in certain cases. For odd integers n≥9n\geq 9 we can hereby in particular show that Dn+\mathsf{D}^+_n is locally fcf_c-optimal among periodic sets for all sufficiently large~cc.Comment: 27 pages, 2 figure
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